Mages Are Too OP

Chapter 611 - Please Come With Us

But this perception was only partially correct.

At first, there was no life in the Netherworld, but in the long time that followed, there were eventually creatures that would be accidentally transported here from various realms.

While the Netherworld was not very conducive to life, living things were hardy, and most of the time, they would struggle to survive.

In this way, over time, the Netherworld gradually came to be populated by more beings, who gathered and struggled to build lives here.

After a long time, they took root in this realm and gradually formed cities and countries.

Sunred was the owner of the “cider” caravan, and the leader and protector of the caravan.

As a level-11 Warrior, he had an extremely strong combat power, as well as... a good IQ and emotional intelligence.

This was due to his good home education from a young age, which made him literate.

Many people thought that it didn’t matter if a Warrior could read or not, but his father didn’t feel that way, and while teaching him Warrior skills, he would also be strict about teaching written words and making his son read more books.

This kind of education worked, and although his early growth was slower than other Warriors of the same age, his growth accelerated after the Elite level.

Sometimes just reading a book and gaining insight could make his Warrior abilities stronger.

This was why he could become a Master Warrior in his early thirties.

People who read a lot of books and traveled had an abundance of experience.

So when he saw five people in the way, and all five of them had a very unique aura, his first reaction was not to resist or run away, but to simply raise his hands.

He had a strong feeling that there was no escape.

“Friends in front, please spare us,” said Sunred with a melancholy tone, his hands up. “You may have all the merchandise, but please don’t hurt any of us.”

The F6 members looked at each other. They just wanted to ask for information. There was no need to be scared to this extent.

In the end, it was Schuck who stepped forward. His outrageously high Charisma always worked in terms of communication. “We have no intention of hurting you.” Schuck showed a gentle smile. “We just want to ask you for some information.”

Because all five of them had Roland’s Unhindered Communication cast on them, the two sides had no problem communicating.

Schuck’s smile, full of sunshine and a sense of justice, was extremely charming and infectious.

Looking at the Saint Samurai with such a smile, Sunred sighed with relief as he lowered his hands and said, “Your five excellencies, please feel free to ask, and I will tell you whatever I know, even the number of black moles on my wife.”

“We may have a bit to ask.” Schuck pointed to the side. “So can we take our time and talk in detail on the side.”

“Okay, no problem,” Sunred said with a smile.

In reality, for the merchants, time was money.

And now they were close to the city, and as long as the goods were sent in, they would receive a large amount of money.

Staying in the wilderness would be substantially more dangerous; after all, there were many bandits and robbers out in the wilderness.

But the situation wasn’t in his control, and in talking to these five people, Sunred realized that each of these men was Master-level.

And they had a very strange smell on them.

Not a body odor, but an aura and a feeling.

They didn’t look like people from the Netherworld.

Could it be that they were powerful people who had just fallen here from another realm?

Although this was the first time he had seen such a thing, he hadn’t heard much about it since he was a child. After all, all the beings in the entire Netherworld had “drifted” from other realms, including his ancestors.

Sunred told the caravan behind him to stand by and had the escorts stay put, then he stepped aside and was about to wait for the five men to speak when he saw a man dressed like a Mage snap his fingers a few times.

A square-shaped rocky structure rose up and soon formed a small shelter.

He had a confused look on his face, and after entering the small rock house with Roland and others, he surveyed the interior of the rock house, knocked on the walls, and finally could not help but ask, “Mr. Mage, you’re not a resident of the Netherworld, right? Have the spells of the main plane evolved to this level? Silent chanting, and there is an extra spell slot for such techniques that have nothing to do with combat.”

A flame formed in the clearing, radiating warmth. The temperature in the Netherworld was on the low side, seemingly to be only about five or six degrees, and there was a strange chill in the air. Even if Roland and the others were professionals, they felt uncomfortable after staying in this place for a long time.

Such a magical flame provided a warmth that could make one feel much more comfortable.

Roland sat on the ground. The rocky ground had just formed and was quite clean. He looked up and replied, “I do not need a spell slot. Stone to Mud is not much of a profound spell. Does that mean that the level of magic in the Netherworld isn’t too high?”

“Without any legacy, I heard there are no pure Mages, only Warlocks and Priests.” Sunred also sat down and smiled bitterly. “After all, the latter two do not need to learn, depending either on bloodline spells or divine gifts.”

So that’s how it is.

Roland was a bit surprised by this, but it made sense.

Magic was something that required a group of people to work together to produce results and needed to have a record to be passed on.

But this place... In the Netherworld, there were only drifters, and if they were powerful Mages, they could return to the main plane by themselves with Teleportation. It would be good enough for the remaining third-rate Mages, who didn’t know spatial magic, just to survive in this world, not to mention leaving behind any legacies.

These things were what Roland and the others wanted to ask.

About the survival skills of the Netherworld, customs, traditions, and so on, all of these things needed to be known.

After all, this quest, at first glance, was not going to be completed anytime soon. They asked for some information about the city ahead, and the other man told them everything he knew.

After inquiring about some local knowledge, Roland asked, “I wonder if Mr. Sunred has ever heard of the figure of the vampires’ True Ancestor?”

“No.” After a moment’s thought, Sunred said, “I don’t recall hearing that name.” “Then sorry for troubling you.” Having learned everything he wanted to know, Roland took out a gold coin from his Backpack. “This is our apology for delaying you.” “No, no, no, please don’t do that.”

Sunred waved his hand. He didn’t dare take this gold coin-what if the other party suddenly had other intentions after he accepted the coin?

Roland shoved the gold coin into the other party’s hands without saying anything, beckoned his friends, and the five of them left.

Sunred watched Roland and the others disappear behind the city of Portree ahead of them before he sighed in relief.

The more he spent time with these five people, the more scared he felt.

Then he looked at the gold coin in his hand and cheered up.

There was a shortage of gold in the Netherworld, so the price of gold coins was quite high.

And the netizens who were watching the livestream were also quite impressed. “It’s over 10,000 yuan for a few random questions, such a great perk, why can’t I encounter this.”

“Brother, didn’t you see how scared Sunred was, fearing F6 would rob them and hold them hostage? His life probably shortened by a few years from being scared. I don’t want to earn money like that.”

“I’m not afraid of a short life, I’m afraid of having no money.”

“You can’t buy a life even if you’re rich.”

“Without money, what’s the use of life? Do you just starve every day?”.

“Shush, Roland has entered Portree, can you all watch quietly?”

The pop-up comments immediately lessened.

Roland and the others entered the city before them, Portree.

Just as they had seen in the illusion, the city was a mix of various races, and it was quite harmonious.

When Schuck entered, he came up next to Roland and said, “Feel that, a lot of people are watching us secretly.”

“It’s only natural. After all, we’re outsiders, and with the way we dress and our aura, we don’t look like people from here at first glance.”

Roland’s observation was quite subtle and correct.

Since the five of them were dressed in the style of Hollevin, the people here, looking at their clothing, found it refreshing.

They couldn’t help but take a few more glances. Roland and the others found that the layout of the city was the same as what they had seen in the illusion.

Eventually, they even found the small inn where they had stayed in the illusion.

After paying for the rooms, the five men gathered at Schuck’s room.

“Are we still in the illusion or not?” Schuck felt a headache coming on. “Why is that Soul Gatherer’s illusion exactly the same as what we’re seeing now?”

Li Lin wanted to poke his hand again.

But at this moment Roland spoke. “It shouldn’t be an illusion, because what I see in my primary vision now is the same as the one transmitted by the magic spider.” “That’s great.” Schuck sighed in relief. “It seems that the black Soul Gatherer helped a great deal. At least, it helped us to recognize the environment and landmarks here.”

“Let’s go gather information again.” Roland smiled. “I hope we can find something useful this time.”

The five of them dispersed and left the inn.

Roland once again went to the tavern he saw in the illusion and asked for information.

The tavern was there, even the owner was the same as the last time he saw him.

Roland asked for some rumors about the vampire’s True Ancestor, or their gathering place, and as long as someone confessed or found it out for him, he would immediately go there to investigate.

As a result, he waited until it was near evening without finding any important clues or information from the drinkers.

This was rather different from the time that he was under the illusion.

Returning from the tavern to the inn, Roland found that his friends had returned before he did.

The five men were in Schuck’s room, laying out the day’s haul.

The floor was full of snacks.

Roland felt a bit of a headache. “I said that intel is the main thing, why are you guys buying so many miscellaneous things?”

Anything from the main plane was quite valuable in the Netherworld.

And worth a lot of money.

Just as Schuck was going to answer, there was a knock on their door.

Roland gestured for the four of them to be quiet and opened the door.

Outside the door stood two soldier-like men, one a green-skinned orc, the other an elf. They stared at Roland. “May I ask if you’ve drifted over from the outside world?”

“Sort of.”

“Then please come with us.”

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