Bored Gamer in Other Worlds

Chapter 413 413 Miss Lauren Devarue

Chapter 413 Chapter 413 Miss Lauren Devarue

Luna even smiled which Caden mistook the sign as his fortune. Thus, the boy in his quest of love stood even straighter.

His fat cheeks wobbled a time or two with these actions before it rested once more along his passive wait.

"Why don\'t you take a seat with us, Caden?" Luna offered.

Caden had wanted to respond and tried to act cool but felt his tongue got tied up in the process. But he got the task of sitting down done and Caden felt good about himself.

Luna had been his greatest and only crush for 12 years from primary to secondary schools.

And from a time of when boys tried to become men, he\'d gifted the girl on all occasions in existence aside from mother\'s day of course.

And this was already their last year in high school and Caden still hasn\'t given up. Luna watched the fat boy with amusement. He seemed so innocent. Like one of her cute puppies at home.

And with this thought she had a snap decision and said,

"Where will you take me, Caden?"

"Where will you take me, Caden?"

"Where will you take me..."

"Where will you take..."

"Where will you..."

"Where will..."

"Where..." The words echoed repeatedly in Caden\'s mind.

"What the hell is this?!" he asked himself.

He had not totally expected this at all. What he had in mind was to cruise through high school and say goodbye to his first love. And that was it.

A thing called a full body sized mirror had always reminded him time and time again how good looking he was.

But even so, not in a million years had he thought that he was that handsome enough to catch these praises from the one he idolized all his life.

Maybe in his dreams but definitely not in the reality of here and now.

"Ehem..." Caden took the guise of clearing his throat to gain more time.

But the wheels in his mind were running millions of miles per second to think for something to say.

"Come with me and you\'ll see, Luna." a textbook copied phrase of a macho man. Caden was surely proud of himself with how cool he sounded in front of the girl of his dreams.

And it only took him three breaths to think of that.

He smiled big and thought of how unbecoming of a gentleman that would look like, so he forced his mouth closed instead and smiled oh so little. Like a naughty child with a surprise in tow.

"Okay then. I will see you after class ends, Caden. Please take care of me." Luna smiled and boom!

Caden\'s eyes almost ran down the very sockets that held them. All he could see was the divine beauty that blossomed before him.

Her azure eyes...

Those sweet rosy lips of hers...

And the words that just finished echoing around the scene still lingered like an arrow that pierced the incessant drumming of his heart.

"Hello there, Mister Master Tempter. Did you win the love of the campus princess?" a voice woke the zombified Caden.


"Where am i?" Caden was so lost inside his own head that he hasn\'t realized that his feet had already taken him back towards the rowdy company of his friends.


"Wipe that drool out of your face, Caden!"

"Tell us what happened?"


"I need to see Lauren!"

"Did anyone of you see her?!" Caden panicked and his words was even heard by hers truly, his crush Luna.

But the fat boy was too far gone now to care for such inconsequential things or at least he had utterly lost a little bit of sanity that was left inside that small brain of his because of the unexpected situation he was in right now.

"I saw her in classroom Sunflower earlier." one of Caden\'s good friends answered.

"YES!" if Caden was not that much of a rush then he could have given that friend of his a brotherly hug or even a smack in the cheek. But since time was running out, he decided to do that for later.

So Caden noted the name of this great Samaritan friend of his.



"TAP!" the juggling fats rumbled down the school premises and much of Caden\'s actions hasn\'t escaped the notice of his schoolmates.

But same as the last, he saw them not as boys and girls but that of human\'s with goat heads. Every single one of them. Not one was spared.

Not even the teachers with their thick glasses and cloaked with their aloof learned atmosphere.



"PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Caden greeted with his comedic voice that seemed girly with its high pitched squeal.

He was not satisfied after delivering the words but grabbed a girl by her arms.

"You\'ve got guts touching Miss Devarue, pig! I told you before to stay --- AWAY!" another voice shattered the last echoes of the rat like squeak of the fat boy.

If Caden had eyes in the back of his head, then he could have seen how a hand could turn into a dazzling flashlight in but a second.

Its glow gave an eerie vibe but more than that, it oozed with the promise of death and so much more.

"Hmmmm?" the girl in question only raised an eyebrow towards the boy at the back. And with her actions came a shattering sound.

"CREAKKKKKKK!" like a door closed by ghosts in excruciating lethargy.

Immediately after, the sun that wished to make itself known in this bright of day, totally disappeared to hide behind the clouds of obscurity once more.

"What\'s the matter, Caden? Calm down and tell me." Lauren asked with a gentle smile on her face.

The earlier episode of otherworldly events entirely set aside for now. But a glint in her eyes veiled of a reckoning for what had transpired this moment.

Thus, the other boy in the room, the not so fat one, could only say after he caught of Lauren\'s barely concealed animosity.

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