Mixed Blessing System

Chapter 367 Important News

Two days later...

After the previous day, Lothur continued his routine at the Academy Morning Star, spending much of the day with Elke or Annaliese, also seeing Anneke and Rebecca. Later in the afternoon, he would meet up with Sofie to continue his medical training, and he would train in the evening with Viktoria before they had their fun and went to bed.

His medical training had been developing with ease. Sofie herself had already concluded that in a short time, he would attend on his own mortals who agreed to be his guinea pigs.

For this, someone would need to gain the recognition and trust of mortals. After all, nobody was obliged to receive medical treatment from strangers that nobody knew about their abilities!

Usually, only through good practical results would someone have a chance of being called for care, that is, through a good result propagated by the patients.

But since Lothur would have no difficulty in it. He had helped his first patient a lot, that old man who had already started walking again, despite no one expecting that. Because of that, some people who saw him in action were already requesting his services!

Unfortunately, before he could do this, he needed Doctor Snee\'s permission, and at the moment, this doctor had not yet done so because he was waiting for Sofie\'s evaluation.

Nothing much had happened in Lothur\'s life or that of his wives and friends during these two days, so he was progressing slowly, preparing for the future.

Today was already the eve of the date he had arranged with Frederik Calis, the young carpenter who was to produce the parts for the miniature vehicle Lothur had designed. So this young man had woken up full of energy and drive, going into another day of efforts in good spirits.

\'Tomorrow, I will get Frederik\'s work and start forming my vehicle...\' He thought of this as he said goodbye to Viktoria in the morning, heading towards the academy. \'That\'s great! By next week I\'ll be able to present my vehicle to potential investors!\'

Lothur had already planned every step regarding the construction of his vehicle, from where each formation would go to each type of law he would need to program. So even though he did not even have those parts in hand yet, he felt he could put the parts together relatively quickly.

So he already had the presentation of that innovation in mind, the most important thing he had done since transmigrating.

This presentation was not just about revolutionizing transportation in Leopoldine or getting the funds to finance a quiet life for himself. That was about him getting solid contacts with this place\'s financial and war powers!

He did not want to have to lead anyone or get involved in wars or threats. But he understood that trouble sought even peaceful and reclusive people. So he would not be the one not to prepare for difficult times using his connections!

Hence, he already had in mind finding a venue for such an event and sending out the invitations to those he had already talked to and other potential allies.

\'I\'ll talk to Anneke about it.\' He thought about that woman. \'Her family lives in the shadows and knows much about the local powers. So she must have some useful information for me to find more people to invite...\'

He then saw the academy ahead of him and looked at its status.

[Name: Lothur Ritter]

[Physique: what doesn\'t kill you makes you stronger]

[Bloodline: Life Devourer]

[Cultivation: level 9]

[STR: 30.2] [CON: 100.2] [DEX: 26.4] [AGI: 34.6]

[INT: 70] [PER: 95] [WIL: 79.2]

[EVF: 623]

\'I\'ve improved a bit in the last few practices... But today, I will progress a little more!!!\' He pondered as he considered the alchemy store he had scheduled to visit later with Elke.


As Lothur began another day, the Baier patriarch was in his office listening to a troubling report.

"... After that, he gave no further signs of life and had been missing for two days." A servant reported such a thing while talking about Merten. "We assume that he is already dead, patriarch."

Upon hearing this, Alric\'s father clenched his fists tightly, feeling the change of times.

How long had it been since the last time someone other than Lothur had acted against this family?


So, upon hearing another tragic piece of news, this man could not help but get serious. Even if Merten was not the most talented young man in the family, he was a nobleman with a future.

But not only that, even if this man did not give a damn about Merten, how could he accept his family being attacked this way?

That was very disrespectful!

So he did not take long to give his orders. "Investigate the matter thoroughly! I don\'t want other local families to think that anyone can mess with us!"

"I will immediately deal with the culprits when the time comes!"

"Yes, patriarch!"

The person from before left, while Alric\'s father stood there with only the last servant waiting to speak with him.


"So, did you find out anything from that damned Lothur?" David Baier, level 15, asked the servant kneeling in front of his desk.

The man who had been spying on Lothur for the past few days made a brief silence and replied. "Patriarch, I\'m pretty sure that person and Viktoria Frost no longer live on the Frost family estate."

"Uh? What are you talking about?" David questioned as his eyebrows drew together.

Such a kneeling individual replied. "For three nights in a row now, that couple has not slept on the Frost estate. But, on the other hand, they have been spending much of their time on a property on the city\'s north side."

"Oh? Is that right?" That old fellow understood the situation, and a smile formed on his lips.

Acting against Lothur inside the Frost family estate or the Morning Star Academy would be highly complicated and dangerous. But, on the other hand, acting on public streets in Peters City had risks since there was plenty of room for escape and observers.

But things were different for a property like the one the servant there had just spoken about. They could gang up on such a place and hide their outlaw actions more easily!

That way, this old man who wanted more than ever to finish off Lothur could not help but be pleased with this information.

"Very well, send some men to watch that place," David said in a tone full of determination. "I want you to check for the presence of hidden specialists to protect them and also the best ways to attack the site."

"When your group has the answers I need, we will attack the damn bastard!"

"Yes, patriarch!" That servant dared not question his leader, and in the blink of an eye, he left that office to carry out the orders of Alric\'s father.


At the same time that David saw the opportunity to act against Lothur, other local powers had already received such information or were finding out about it now!

Soon, several individuals were dispatched to the vicinity of that house, all seeking to investigate Lothur\'s situation before moving.

Unfortunately for them, they were bound to suffer something terrible!


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