Demon Queen Rebirth: I Reincarnated as a Living Armor?!

Chapter 276 - Talking With An Odd Entity Within Dreams!


It was a weird feeling, but they had already experienced it a few times, and simply decided to let the dreams be as they may.

Since they ate Oggoth that they had begun to have weirder dreams, it seemed as if Oggoth\'s divinity and his ability with the mind opened a path towards dreams that they had not experienced yet.

Dreams as an element were vastly underdeveloped in Kritias, and many mysteries were revolving around such phenomena, although there were a few Gods who could somehow affect dreams, their ability to do so was limited, and even they could not grasp it entirely.

However, Dreams were a mystical force that governed the sleep of every living and even unliving being, any soul could dream, even those tireless, could choose to sleep and dream.

Due to its mystical and enchanting nature, Dreams were even said to connect to different worlds, to different realities, even different planes, timelines, and more.

Although this was mere speculation, it had been proven that dreams were more than \'imagination\' or simply thoughts, as Ervas had conversed with otherworldly entities of incredible strength who had each one given him a piece of themselves or a \'pawn\', his summoned monsters.

Now that they were driven into dreams, Ervas part within the combined soul couldn\'t help but think that this might be another dream to acquire a newly summoned monster.

"Oh, another summoned monster? This is the first time I participate in these dreams… I feel a bit nervous!" said Veronica.

"Take it easy, these entities are usually very lax and chill. I haven\'t had any problem with them… Actually, with Shoggoth I didn\'t even need to talk with it, the creature simply give itself to me," said Ervas.

"Oh my, would you look at that… You got quite the charm with aliens?" asked Veronica.

"Perhaps…" said Ervas, as their consciousness drifted inside a completely white space, where a void in the middle of such place constantly leaked enormous quantities of mana.

"Oh?! So this is your cheat! You keep constantly receiving Mana through here?" asked Veronica.

"Indeed, this is my Soul Void, it is strange. I acquired it when I changed into various Jobs that were all about controlling Mana. I had been obsessively manipulating Mana through my entire lifetime in here, and due to that, I ended up developing these weird abilities, which includes this Void in my very soul, which weirdly enough connects to another plane or something… Perhaps this Void could not have been opened if it wasn\'t because of my own bloodline, that of Dagvaarder Demons, who have a somewhat natural ability to connect with other worlds to summon creatures," said Ervas.

"Ah! So that\'s why I can\'t get one myself… It\'s all about your bloodline! I wish I could take a bit of it, but I don\'t even have flesh…" said Veronica.

"Well, you have Anir\'s Bone Marrow," said Ervas.

"But that\'s just a mass of red meat, that doesn\'t make an actually fleshy body!" said Veronica.

"Oh. Well, we can always try to get ourselves a new body someday," said Ervas.

"Hehe, I appreciate the thought, but don\'t worry, I am pretty fine as I am. And every time I evolve, my soul becomes more and more \'solid\' or something, I believe that as long as I keep getting stronger, the materialization of my soul and phantom will reach the same quality and feeling as actual flesh," said Veronica.

"Oh, I see… So you are developing your soul tremendously… It is like that of a God, I believe. Well, mine is as well, but a bit less. Most likely not having a flesh body had made your soul develop even more than if you had a flesh body. It is as if most of the evolution and the \'upgrade\' happens to your soul," said Ervas.

"The soul of a god? Well, perhaps, we had eaten one god and also something similar to it, so there is that possibility, I guess… And you are right, every time I evolve, it is as if my own soul is evolving instead, does it not feels like that for you?" asked Veronica.

"My soul does evolve a bit, yes, but not at the pace that you do. Although I have developed this void, my soul is not developed as yours," said Ervas.

"Quite interesting… But well, now that we are combined as one, it feels as if we are simply back to one, but with two independent minds… Hmm… like if we had two heads," said Veronica.

"Yeah, our bodies feel like one, but we have like two heads, yes, it is kind of like that," said Ervas.

"Anyways, when is your guest coming?" asked Veronica.

"I believe it has been hearing us speak this whole time," said Ervas.

Ervas and Veronica directed their gazes to the void, as the presence of an entity from within could be sensed… Unlike the other entities that Ervas had spoken to, this entity, however, felt way different.

Its power was not abnormally overwhelming, but there was something within that made its entire structure different than any of the others from before.

The entity\'s presence leaked near Ervas Soul Void as if it were an Aura of constant energy flowing and going away, it even tried several times to \'devour\' the void itself, ultimately failing and giving up in the task, yet it remained within, hearing, and spying what Ervas and Veronica were talking about.

The moment that Ervas spoke about the entity already being here, it realized that it had been heard and sensed from the beginning.

"Well, hello there…" it said, with an oddly human-like voice, like that of an enchanting woman.

"Are you a friend with the other entities that had visited me?" asked Ervas.

"Me? No, I don\'t think so. I don\'t remember anyone within my friends or family telling me that they met such a bizarre soul through their dreams- Ah, sorry, did I sound too rude?" it asked.

"Not at all, we are indeed quite bizarre…" said Ervas.

"I-Indeed, so miss, from where do you from?" asked Veronica.

"Oh my, already starting with the questions, are we? If I were to tell you where I come from, nothing would change anyway, and it is so complicated to tell you, that it is better to simply leave it at that… Well, I can tell you something. I come from another world," said the entity with the voice of a woman.

"We guessed as much…" said Ervas.

"So? Why have you called me? I had just recently finished doing some things and I wanted to take a nap, and then, here I am. Although my Dram Attribute Divinity has developed a lot, I never thought it would already connect me to another world… This is a bit baffling, to be honest. Ah, I tried several times to devour this place but it\'s useless, it seems that I cannot exert my power in another world… Well, just as I had expected," said the entity.

"Dream… Attribute? Is there such an attribute? And Divinity? So you\'re a Goddess?" asked Veronica.

"Oh yeah, in my world, Dreams are an Attribute. And Goddess? Not really, well, I have eaten a few Gods already, but my body is that of a mortal, so I am still considered one," said the entity.

"Oh, like us then," said Ervas.

"Kind of? Do you eat gods as well? Fufu, how interesting," said the entity.

"We did a few weeks ago…" said Veronica.

"Not the best flavor," said Ervas.

The entity seemed to like Ervas and Veronica, as she began to laugh mischievously over their little story.

"Fufu, how amusing, so you\'re like me then? And I can see that you\'re quite the real deal and not pretenders that copy me like Zudig or Begudhur," said the entity.

"Zudig?" asked Veronica.

"Begudhur?" asked Ervas.

"Ah! Never mind, those are some evil gods that are quite my enemies, I guess they are not from here, so forget their names. Well, not like you will get cursed or anything for saying them… Ah! Talking about names, would you tell me yours?" asked the entity.

"Names? Is it safe?" asked Veronica.

"Hm, I think we are fine. This entity tried to enter here forcefully, but she seems friendly enough… And her bloodthirst had lowered since she began to speak with us," said Ervas.

"Oh my, you can even sense that? You\'re quite the sharp little brat…" said the entity playfully.

"Well… I am Veronica," said Veronica.

"And I am Ervas… Could you tell us your name?" asked Ervas, knowing that the entities he had met never desired to say their names as they could make Ervas go \'insane\' or something, but this entity, however, didn\'t seem to mind.

"Ah, sure thing. I am Kireina. Well, this is my new name after reincarnating in this world I am… I used to be a man before! Hilarious, right?" said the entity.


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